Foreign firms

Foreign firms can register to Acquisti in rete PA and qualify to operate on the MePA.

Exceptions are made for firms that have their seat residence or domicile in the Countries included in the Black List reported in the following Ministerial Decrees of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance: 4 may 1999, 21 November 2001 (D.M. 4 maggio 1999; D.M. 21 novembre 2001). For those firms the registration to the platform is possible only in case they hold an authorization released in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 14 December 2010 of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (D.M. 14 dicembre 2010). We invite you to contact the Italian Revenue Agency for further information and updates.

Procedure to register to Acquisti in Rete

Connect to the website and click onto “Non sei ancora registrato?” (still not registered?).

In this section you will need to follow 5 steps.

The system will send you an email to the address indicated in Step 1. Click on the link sent by email to confirm your registration.


Procedure to qualify MePA

In order to operate on the MePA it is necessary that the goods, services or maintenance works you would like to offer are included among the ones listed in the official documents of the MePA.

Therefore, to verify whether you can offer a specific good, service or maintenance work you should:

  • log onto the platform and click on “Bandi” (calls for qualification) – “Mercato Elettronico”(electronic marketplace). You will find the list of the different product categories and the calls for qualification.
  • Choose the call for qualification you intend to apply for and download the official documents for consultation. In the Technical Specifications (“Capitolato Tecnico”) you will find the list of products that can be procured according to the call for qualification.
  • In case the product you intend to offer is included in one of the calls for qualification of the MePA you can start the qualification process by filling in a request for qualification to the specific call for qualification. Consip receives and examines the requests for qualification in chronological order.
Notes for signing the documents
  • The eProcurement platform accepts digital signatures according to the formats indicated in the National and European laws and regulations
  • In order to obtain a qualified Italian digital signature it is necessary to request it to one of the Certified Entities accredited to the Digital Italy Agency (AGID). The certificates issued by these Entities are automatically recognized and accepted from the eProcurement platform
  • In case you own a digital signature released in one of the EU Member States, you need to verify that the Certified Entity is included in the list issued by the European Commission

Le donne vittime di violenza e stalking attraverso il numero verde 1522, promosso dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri - Dipartimento per le pari opportunità, attivo 24 ore su 24 e accessibile da tutto il territorio nazionale, possono chiedere aiuto e sostegno nonché ricevere informazioni. L'assistenza telefonica consente un graduale avvicinamento ai servizi con assoluta garanzia di anonimato.
Il Comitato Unico di Garanzia del MEF